Thinking of adding or expanding multichannel capabilities in your organization?
Take more than advice. Take ACTION!

About the President (Paul Abbass):

After more than 20 years in Pharma, and particularly the last decade in the digital innovation space, Paul has applied his entrepreneurial spirit and acquired a strong understanding of the digital landscape, web and social platforms, business management tools, software and processes making digital strategies and offerings a repeatable, sustainable success. His motivation is not to merely 'keep up'. It is to 'break away'!

Paul has led transformations (change) in Health Education (Collaborative Learning); MultiChannel (Digital) Marketing & Field Sales Operations (Mobility) in pharmaceutical companies. This was achieved by forming & leading large, complex, globally-integrated, matrix organizations & applying intricate six sigma processes ensuring executional excellence, often sustaining multi-departmental sponsorship over several years by demonstrating significant ROI through pair-matched control studies.


LEGITIMED is a consultancy in Digital Marketing & Collaborative Learning with a special interest in the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry. Specifically, we employ insights in customer centricity (needs) & community (collaboration) to improve business outcomes in the digital, multi-platform era. While many claim to work in this space, LEGITIMED has the credentials to deliver business results. LEGITIMED provides roadmaps & vehicles ensuring advice that is actionable.